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Vision, Mission, Mandate & Core Values


“Innovative Legal Professionals Transforming Society”


“To ensure quality legal education through responsive regulation and administration of Bar Examination”

Core Values

The Council of Legal Education will uphold the following values;

  • Accountability
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Inclusiveness
  • Innovation

Strategic Goal

“Transforming legal education and training in Kenya”

Our Mandate

The Council of Legal Education is a state corporation under the State Law office in the Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice.
The Council of Legal Education was established in 2014 through the Legal Education Act No. 27 of 2012.
The mandate of the Council of Legal Education as provided under the Legal Education Act No. 27 of 2012 is to:
i.    Regulate legal education and training in Kenya offered by legal education providers;
ii.    License legal education providers;
iii.    Supervise legal education providers;
iv.    Advise the Government on matters relating to legal education and training;
v.    Recognize and approve qualifications obtained outside Kenya for purposes of admission to the Roll; and
vi.    Administer Advocates Training Programme examination.